Accenture Stock Prediction Accenture’s price is expected to reach $350 by mid-2024, $400 by mid-2025, $450 in 2026, $500 in 2027, $600 in 2028, $700 in 2029, $800 in 2033, and $900 in 2035, according to the most current extended prediction.

Accenture is a multinational provider of technology consulting and services that has experienced rapid expansion in recent times. Accenture’s stock prediction now appears favourable because of the company’s solid market position and steady financial performance. Experts anticipate that Accenture will continue to expand as long as companies all around the world continue to need services for digital transformation. Furthermore, Accenture’s emphasis on strategic acquisitions and innovation strengthens its position in the industry. Accenture is a good option for anyone wishing to invest in the technology industry because investors are upbeat about the company’s prospects. Before making any investment decisions, prospective investors should do a lot of research and speak with financial professionals.
Accenture Stock Price Forecast 2024-2025
With a current trading price of $378.17, Accenture’s 2024 opening price of $350.91 has increased by 8% since the year’s beginning. By the end of 2024, Accenture is expected to cost $464, a 32% increase over the previous year. A 23% increase is anticipated between now and the end of the year. It is predicted to reach $423 by mid-2024. Accenture’s price is expected to climb to $511 in the first half of 2025 and then by $11 in the second half, culminating in a 38% increase in price to $522 by the end of the year.
Accenture Stock Forecast 2026-2030
Accenture’s price is expected to increase by 67%, from $522 to $874, during the next five years. The stock will rise by 58% from its current value to open at $522 in 2026, reaching $559 in the first half of the year, and close at $598.