Union Budget 2024: Kisan Credit Card Expands to 5 More States – Find out which 5 states are set to receive this new facilities!

The Finance Minister has made a significant announcement regarding Kisan Credit Card. Sitharaman stated that the Kisan Credit Card will be offered in five states. The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) facility will now be offered in five more states. She stated that the development of the agriculture sector is the government’s top goal. 1 crore farmers would be encouraged to practice natural farming.

According to the Finance Minister, 6 crore farmers will benefit from improved land register. In Fiscal Year 25, a digital survey of Kharif crops will be conducted in 400 districts. The government will fund the commercial sector, experts, and others to create climate-friendly crops. Will undertake a quest to expand pulse and oil seed production. We will market through certification and branding. Agriculture gets Rs 1.52 lakh crore.

What is Kisan Credit Card?

KCC was set up in 1998 to provide cards to farmers based on their holdings for uniform acceptance by banks, allowing farmers to easily purchase agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, and so on, as well as draw cash for production needs. In 2004, the system was extended to include farmers’ investment credit requirements for linked and non-farm industries.

Union Budget 2024: Kisan Credit Card Expands to 5 More States - Find out which 5 states are set to receive this new facilities!

What announcements have been made for farmers in the Budget 2024?

  • Agriculture and associated industries will receive a provision of Rs 1.52 lakh crore.
  • Farmers and their fields will profit from digital public infrastructure.
  • The information of 6 crore farmers would be included into land registration.
  • New Kisan Credit Cards will be offered in five states.
  • The government is focusing on increasing natural farming.
  • The Gram Panchayats that wish to implement this system would be encouraged.
  • The government plans to launch 109 variants for 32 crops.
  • Agriculture’s productivity and capacity are top priorities.
  • Agriculture, employment, and social justice are top priorities.
  • Pulses and oilseeds will be produced and stored more efficiently.

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