Minimum Wage Philippines: 4.1 million minimum-wage laborers receive salary Hike in 15 Regions

In 2023, at least 4.1 million minimum-wage individuals benefited from compensation adjustments in 15 locations. “The RTWPBs (Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards) issued a total of 15 wage orders for private sector workers, nine of which were initiated motu proprio,” the National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC) stated in a social media post on Monday. On June 26, the RTWPB-National Capital Region (NCR) issued the first wage raise directive, calling for a PHP40 salary increase. This increased the minimum wage in Metro Manila to PHP610 from PHP570 for the non-agricultural sector and PHP573 from PHP533 for the agricultural industry.

minimum wage philippines

Meanwhile, the Northern Mindanao wage board issued the most recent pay increase order on December 21. The region’s minimum wage has been raised to PHP438 from PHP423 in the non-agricultural sector and PHP426 from PHP411 in agriculture. The Davao Regional Wage Board has yet to issue a new wage regulation. However, it has already undertaken talks with stakeholders like the Philippine Statistics Authority, the Department of Trade and Industry, the National Economic and Development Authority, and the Department of Agriculture.

Public hearings are scheduled for the first quarter of 2024. Meanwhile, the NWPC estimated that correcting pay distortions would benefit around 8.1 million “full-time wage and salary workers” who are earning more than the minimum wage. Wage distortion occurs when wage differences across employee groups are dramatically eliminated or reduced due to mandatory wage increases. The NWPC and RTWPBs are connected agencies to the Department of Labor and Employment.


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