The Most Popular Zodiac Signs, Here Is Everything You Want To Know

Few environments are as fundamentally conducive to the growth of an artificial social order as group chats. The most well-liked zodiac signs can be seen here in their natural habitat, while the least well-liked ones lurk in a corner hidden behind a sea of generic thumbs-up emojis. And now’s your turn to shine in the spotlight of this final ranking if you fall into the previous group of the most popular zodiac signs:

Most Popular Zodiac Signs
Source: horoscope


Once a Leo finds their natural habitat—the centre of attention in the group chat—you can’t help but love them, loathe them, or just hate to love them. 1,566,342 images from their most recent trekking excursion are in.


Nobody can turn that sullen look around quite like Sagittarius, the light of the party. This sign is sure to stir things up—and sometimes the pot, too—on a quiet news day in the group chat.


The Zodiac twins are here, there, and everywhere. They will hold your hand and give you the perfect number of positive memes while you’re going through a difficult breakup, but they will also mysteriously disappear from your life when you need assistance ordering an Uber.


This sign isn’t hesitant to take the lead and tell it like it is, yet their charm makes it impossible to be angry with them when they call you out on repeating an outfit in the group chat.


An all-around friend, a Piscean is simply here for the good times and to bring happiness, even though their incessant need to share bizarre old photos at strange hours of the morning has slightly hurt their appeal.


An Aries can frequently jump to the last level of the think-it-feel-it-say-it pyramid before they’ve had a chance to consider their options. But this is the straight shooter you need in your life when you need a reality check and a hard chat.


A Libra’s popularity in the group conversation is indicative of their balanced outlook on life and their propensity to avoid extremes. They might not receive as much praise as a Leo, but at least they aren’t passed over, so that’s something.


This earthy sign, who always replies first at strange hours of the night, is also gaining influence in the midst of the group—but only because they were up late over- analyzing that one errant emoji in the group chat. What is the meaning of the upside-down emoji?


The intensity and seemingly unstoppable size of a Cancerian’s true devotion requires a lot of strength. The constantly changing dynamics inside a group chat? No, they’d like to wait it out and establish personal connections with individuals.


A Capricorn and their not-so-hidden anger at the group’s collective incompetence in choosing a brunch venue get buried somewhere between these dynamics. Everyone wants to hear the truth, but not everyone can handle it.


The easily-broken egos in a group chat do not, regrettably, foster a Virgo’s natural propensity to run the show. There is a time and a place for that “I told you so” bomb.


Sometimes, the virtual ghosts of the group, it is easy to forget that an Aquarian is even in the chat room—possibly due to their propensity for nodding off in the middle of crucial discussions, but primarily because they have long since left the group on silent.

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