Ways To Make Yourself Poop When You Need Fast Relief, According To Experts

You’re probably thinking how to make yourself defecate quickly if you’re constipated. Unable to relieve oneself is one of the most uncomfortable frequent health concerns, especially when combined with gas, bloating, and stomach pain. Although most of us would like to keep our bowel habits to ourselves, constipation is a problem that has a number of solutions.

Ways To Make Yourself Poop
Source: healthcare

How to naturally make yourself poop Doctors say the following natural therapies can help get everything back on track.

1. Up your fluid intake

According to Rudolph Bedford, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Centre in Santa Monica, California, “water is really important for relieving constipation.” According to Karen WeiRu Lin, M.D., assistant dean for global health, if you’re just not a “water person,” consider getting enough through other liquids, such as brothy soups or produce high in water, like watermelon.

2. Consume more foods high in fibre

Dietary fibre is a kind of carbohydrate that helps things move down there by slowing down digestion by giving your meal more bulk. This makes you feel filled sooner. Dr. Bedford affirms, “It keeps stools soft and moving through.”

Some good sources of fiber include:

Prunes, Avocados, Raspberries, Lentils, Almonds, Chickpeas, Oats and Chia seeds

3. Consider a fiber supplement

IDr. Lin advises taking a fibre supplement if you need a big dose of fibre right away. Choose one that dissolves in water, such as psyllium (also known as Metamucil). According to Dr. Bedford, the water component is crucial because dietary fibre absorbs water, making faeces bulkier and easier to pass.

4. Savour a coffee cup

According to Dr. Bedford, the caffeine in coffee “increases the contractions of muscles within your gut to push things through.” It has fluids as well, which is advantageous. However, drinking too much coffee might dehydrate you, so for best results, Dr. Bedford suggests sipping water in addition to your coffee. Not a fan of coffee? Strong tea can work similarly.

5. Get moving

In addition to being beneficial to general health, exercise can also increase blood flow to the stomach muscles, which in turn causes the muscles to contract harder and move stool along, according to Dr. Bedford.

“Exercise and movement are always excellent ways to fight constipation,” he claims. If you’ve been spending a lot of time sitting still lately, consider taking a quick stroll or, if you’re able, working out vigorously.

 6. Consume some good fats

Your GI tract will work more quickly if you eat foods high in unsaturated fats, such as avocado, nut butter, olives, and fatty salmon. According to Dr. Bedford, “these fats lubricate the gut lining, allowing stool to move through a lot easier.” In addition, one cup of avocado has 10 grammes of dietary fibre, making it a healthy.

7. Sip on warm water

Warm water can also be an effective strategy, although water in general is essential for easing constipation. According to Dr. Lin, it “stimulates the inner lining of the gut.” That may result in contractions that move your stool along.

8. Take a lot of probiotics

Live bacteria called probiotics, also known as the “good bugs” in your stomach, are essential to the process of food digestion. Just be aware that they won’t function right away. According to Dr. Lin, “it is not like Tylenol for fever—it does not work in 20 minutes.” “It may take more than a day for good bacteria to break down food piece by piece.”

9. Try using heat therapy

Regarding heat therapy, Dr. Lin suggests two things. To try to activate the area, first try drinking a cup of warm water, waiting half an hour, and then gently massaging your lower belly. Try taking a hot shower with the water focused on your lower back if it doesn’t seem to help.

10. Give your lower back a massage

According to a research published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, massage therapy can effectively relieve constipation by targeting pressure points in the perineum, which is the region that lies between the anus and the vagina or scrotum.

11. Supplement with magnesium

Depending on the kind you select, taking magnesium supplements may offer a number of advantages. Owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios, R.D.N., A.C.S.M. Ex-P., Jim White, stated in a prior interview with Prevention that magnesium citrate “is one of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium.”

It also has a natural laxative effect and is frequently included in drugs to treat constipation. However, before attempting it on yourself, make sure to consult your doctor and double-check any medications you may already be taking.

12. Think about using a stool softener

These products can be liquid, syrup, pill, or capsule shaped, and they function by softening your faeces so that they are easier to pass through.

13. Give yourself a belly rub

Dr. Berookim suggests that you move your bowels by gently pressing on your belly in a circular motion. He claims that colonic massage has been demonstrated to alleviate constipation.

14. Verify if you’re getting enough water

According to Dr. Berookim, “one of the most common causes of constipation is dehydration.” “The body will extract water from the large intestine (colon) to make up for dehydration, which will lead to hard stools.”

15. Sip herbal tea

According to Dr. Pothuri, “many herbal teas have been shown to help with constipation.” The most well-known of these teas is senna. It functions as a stimulant laxative, meaning that it makes the intestine’s muscles contract in order to pass gas.

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